Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
23031 | 2024 Offline filter dev 7 of CORSIKA-dataset 22803. | suspended |
23033 | Offline filter: spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray/v1.11.1: NuGen NuE, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, DOM oversizing 3, baseline dataset (no variations), unified hole ice (p0=-0.2, p1=-0.05) | processing |
23032 | MC 2024 Offline dev. 7 Filter GENIE NuMu: Input dataset 22826 | errors |
23034 | Offline filtered (dev7) spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.11.1 (up to Level2): NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5, baseline dataset (no variations), unified hole ice (p0=0.2,p1=-0.05) | processing |
23035 | Offline filtered (dev7) spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray/v1.11.1: NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5, baseline dataset (no variations), unified hole ice (p0=-0.2, p1=-0.05) | errors |
23038 | Offline filter (dev7) spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray/v1.11.1 (up to Level2): NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, DOM oversizing 3, baseline dataset (no variations), unified hole ice (p0=-0.2, p1=-0.05) | processing |
23041 | Offline-filter 2024 spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.2: NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, DOM oversizing 3 | processing |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
23016 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm-Baseline (MSU p1 = 0.35, p2 = 0) using icetray.v1.9.1 (up to Level2 + PFFilt23): NuGen NuE, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, DOM oversizing 3 | suspended |
23071 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm-Baseline (MSU p1 = 0.35, p2 = 0) using icetray.v1.9.1 (up to Level2 + PFFilt23): NuGen NuE, energy range 1e8 to 1e10 GeV, gamma 1.5, DOM oversizing 3 | processing |
23072 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm-Baseline (MSU p1 = 0.35, p2 = 0) using icetray.v1.9.1 (up to Level2 + PFFilt23): NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e8 to 1e10 GeV, gamma 1.0, DOM oversizing 3 | processing |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
22852 | Snowstorm Ensemble MC using icetray.v1.9.2: NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5 (prev 22842) | errors |
22853 | Snowstorm Ensemble MC using icetray.v1.9.2: NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5 (prev 22843) | complete |
22854 | Snowstorm Ensemble MC using icetray.v1.9.2: NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0 (prev 22844) | errors |
22855 | Snowstorm Ensemble MC using icetray.v1.9.2: NuGen NuE, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5 (prev 22845) | complete |
22856 | Snowstorm Ensemble MC using icetray.v1.9.2: NuGen NuE, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5 (prev 22846) | complete |
22857 | Snowstorm Ensemble MC using icetray.v1.9.2: NuGen NuE, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0 (prev 22847) | errors |
22858 | Snowstorm Ensemble MC using icetray.v1.9.2: NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5 (prev 22848) | complete |
22859 | Snowstorm Ensemble MC using icetray.v1.9.2: NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5 (prev 22849) | complete |
22860 | Snowstorm Ensemble MC using icetray.v1.9.2: NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0 (prev 22850) | errors |
22861 | Low energy extension: Snowstorm Ensemble MC using icetray.v1.9.2: NuGen NuMu, energy range 20 to 100 GeV, gamma 1.5 (prev 22841) | suspended |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
22995 | Test: IceCube Upgrade GENIE NuMu+NuMuBar from 100 MeV to 1 TeV with E^-2.5 spectrum. PPC propagation to multi-pmt modules with as.flasher_p1_0.30_p2_-1 hole ice and spice_bfr-v2 bulk ice. | complete |
22996 | Test: IceCube Upgrade GENIE NuE+NuEBar from 100 MeV to 1 TeV with E^-2.5 spectrum. PPC propagation to multi-pmt modules with as.flasher_p1_0.30_p2_-1 hole ice and spice_bfr-v2 bulk ice. | errors |
23018 | Test: IceCube Upgrade GENIE NuTau+NuTauBar from 100 MeV to 1 TeV with E^-2.5 spectrum. PPC propagation to multi-pmt modules with as.flasher_p1_0.30_p2_-1 hole ice and spice_bfr-v2 bulk ice. | complete |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
22809 | IceCube-Gen2 v4.2 NuGen NuMu with LOM16 (1 TeV - 50 PeV), gamma=1.5, and spice_ftp-v3 bulk ice | complete |
22813 | IceCube-Gen2 v4.2 NuGen NuE with LOM16 (1 TeV - 50 PeV), gamma=1.5, and spice_ftp-v3 bulk ice | errors |
22814 | IceCube-Gen2 v4.2 NuGen NuTau with LOM16 (1 TeV - 50 PeV), gamma=1.5, and spice_ftp-v3 bulk ice | errors |
22815 | IceCube-Gen2 v4.2 NuGen NuMu with LOM16 (1 TeV - 50 PeV), gamma=1.0, and spice_ftp-v3 bulk ice | suspended |
22816 | IceCube-Gen2 v4.2 NuGen NuE with LOM16 (1 TeV - 50 PeV), gamma=1.0, and spice_ftp-v3 bulk ice | suspended |
22817 | IceCube-Gen2 v4.2 NuGen NuTau with LOM16 (1 TeV - 50 PeV), gamma=1.0, and spice_ftp-v3 bulk ice | suspended |
22818 | IceCube-Gen2 v4.2 MuonGun with LOM16 (1 TeV - 50 PeV), gamma=2.0, and spice_ftp-v3 bulk ice | complete |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
22726 | Test dataset for CORSIKA EHISTORY simulation (5e2 GeV - 1e6 GeV) | complete |
22727 | Test dataset for CORSIKA EHISTORY simulation (1e6 GeV - 1e8 GeV) | complete |
22728 | Test dataset for CORSIKA EHISTORY simulation (1e8 GeV - 1e9 GeV) | complete |
22729 | Test dataset for CORSIKA EHISTORY simulation (1e9 GeV - 1e10 GeV) | complete |
22730 | Test dataset for CORSIKA EHISTORY simulation (5e2 GeV - 1e6 GeV) [DOM Oversize 3] | complete |
22733 | Test dataset for CORSIKA EHISTORY simulation (5e2 GeV - 1e6 GeV) [Keep all coincident CRs] | complete |
22738 | Test dataset for CORSIKA EHISTORY simulation (5e2 GeV - 1e6 GeV) [no coincident CRs] | complete |
22741 | Test dataset for CORSIKA EHISTORY simulation (5e2 GeV - 1e6 GeV) [no coincident CRs] | suspended |
22759 | Test dataset for CORSIKA EHISTORY simulation (1e4 GeV - 1e6 GeV) [no coincident CRs] | complete |
22770 | Test dataset for CORSIKA EHISTORY simulation (1e6 GeV - 1e8 GeV) [no coincident CRs] | complete |
22771 | Test dataset for CORSIKA EHISTORY simulation (1e8 GeV - 1e9 GeV) [no coincident CRs] | complete |
22772 | Test dataset for CORSIKA EHISTORY simulation (1e9 GeV - 1e10 GeV) [no coincident CRs] | complete |
22773 | Test dataset for CORSIKA EHISTORY simulation (1e10 GeV - 1e11 GeV) [no coincident CRs] | errors |
22774 | CORSIKA-in-ice with EHISTORY and SnowStorm (1e4-1e6 GeV, FTP-v3m, icetray/v1.11.0-rc1) [no coincident CRs] | processing |
22775 | CORSIKA-in-ice with EHISTORY and SnowStorm (1e6-1e8 GeV, FTP-v3m, icetray/v1.11.0-rc1) [no coincident CRs] | processing |
22776 | CORSIKA-in-ice with EHISTORY and SnowStorm (1e8-1e9 GeV, FTP-v3m, icetray/v1.11.0-rc1) [no coincident CRs] | suspended |
22777 | CORSIKA-in-ice with EHISTORY and SnowStorm (1e9-1e10 GeV, FTP-v3m, icetray/v1.11.0-rc1) [no coincident CRs] | suspended |
22778 | CORSIKA-in-ice with EHISTORY and SnowStorm (1e10-1e11 GeV, FTP-v3m, icetray/v1.11.0-rc1) [no coincident CRs] | processing |
22875 | CORSIKA-in-ice with EHISTORY and SnowStorm (5e2-1e4 GeV, FTP-v3m, icetray/v1.11.0-rc1) [no coincident CRs] | complete |
22878 | TEST Cylinder (r = 600m, l = 1200m): CORSIKA-in-ice with EHISTORY and SnowStorm (1e4-1e6 GeV, FTP-v3m, icetray/v1.11.0-rc1) [no coincident CRs] | complete |
22879 | TEST Cylinder (r = 600m, l = 1200m): CORSIKA-in-ice with EHISTORY and SnowStorm (1e6-1e8 GeV, FTP-v3m, icetray/v1.11.0-rc1) [no coincident CRs] | complete |
22880 | TEST Cylinder (r = 600m, l = 1200m): CORSIKA-in-ice with EHISTORY and SnowStorm (1e8-1e9 GeV, FTP-v3m, icetray/v1.11.0-rc1) [no coincident CRs] | complete |
22881 | TEST Cylinder (r = 600m, l = 1200m): CORSIKA-in-ice with EHISTORY and SnowStorm (1e9-1e10 GeV, FTP-v3m, icetray/v1.11.0-rc1) [no coincident CRs] | complete |
22882 | TEST Cylinder (r = 600m, l = 1200m): CORSIKA-in-ice with EHISTORY and SnowStorm (1e10-1e11 GeV, FTP-v3m, icetray/v1.11.0-rc1) [no coincident CRs] | complete |
22883 | TEST Cylinder (r = 600m, l = 1200m): CORSIKA-in-ice with EHISTORY and SnowStorm (5e2-1e4 GeV, FTP-v3m, icetray/v1.11.0-rc1) [no coincident CRs] | complete |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
22684 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.2 (up to Level2): NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5, baseline dataset (no variations), unified hole ice (p0=-0.27, p1=-0.042) | errors |
22685 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.2 (up to Level2): NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5, baseline dataset (no variations), unified hole ice (p0=-0.27, p1=-0.042) | errors |
22686 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.2 (up to Level2): NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, DOM oversizing 3, baseline dataset (no variations), unified hole ice (p0=-0.27, p1=-0.042) | errors |
22687 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.1 (up to Level2): NuGen NuE, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5, baseline dataset (no variations), unified hole ice (p0=-0.27, p1=-0.042) | errors |
22688 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.1 (up to Level2): NuGen NuE, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5, baseline dataset (no variations), unified hole ice (p0=-0.27, p1=-0.042) | errors |
22689 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.1 (up to Level2): NuGen NuE, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, DOM oversizing 3, baseline dataset (no variations), unified hole ice (p0=-0.27, p1=-0.042) | processing |
22690 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.1 (up to Level2): NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5, baseline dataset (no variations), unified hole ice (p0=-0.27, p1=-0.042) | errors |
22691 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.2 (up to Level2): NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5, baseline dataset (no variations), unified hole ice (p0=-0.27, p1=-0.042) | errors |
22692 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.2 (up to Level2): NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, DOM oversizing 3, baseline dataset (no variations), unified hole ice (p0=-0.27, p1=-0.042) | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
22657 | PFFilt 2023 online filter of dataset 22643: GENIE NuEBar with weighted spectrum of E^-3, Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of .5 GeV < Enu < 100 GeV. | errors |
22658 | PFFilt 2023 online filter of dataset 22642: GENIE NuE with weighted spectrum of E^-3, Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of .5 GeV < Enu < 100 GeV. | errors |
22659 | PFFilt 2023 online filter of dataset 22640:GENIE NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-3, Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of .5 GeV < Enu < 100 GeV. jobs_submitted 5000 | errors |
22660 | PFFilt 2023 online filter of dataset 22641: GENIE NuMuBar with weighted spectrum of E^-3, Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of .5 GeV < Enu < 100 GeV. | errors |
22662 | PFFilt 2023 online filter of dataset 22638: GENIE NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-3, Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of .5 GeV < Enu < 100 GeV. | errors |
22663 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.2 (up to Level2): NuGen NuE, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, DOM oversizing 3 | errors |
22664 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.2 (up to Level2): NuGen NuE, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5 | errors |
22665 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.2 (up to Level2): NuGen NuE, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5 | errors |
22666 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.2 (up to Level2): NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5 | errors |
22667 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.2 (up to Level2): NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5 | errors |
22668 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.2 (up to Level2): NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, DOM oversizing 3 | errors |
22670 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.2 (up to Level2): NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, DOM oversizing 3 | errors |
22671 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.2 (up to Level2): NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5 | errors |
22672 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.2 (up to Level2): NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5 | errors |
22803 | IC86.2023 CORSIKA-in-ice 5-component model Sibyll2.3d with weighted spectrum of E^-2.0, using Spice ftp-v3, HoleIce p0=0.2, p1=-0.05 ClSim. Angular range of 0deg < theta < 89.99deg and energy range of 600GeV < Eprim < 1e8GeV. DOM oversize = 1 | processing |
22793 | HE IC86.2023 (including 2023 PFFilt) CORSIKA-in-ice 5-component model Sibyll2.3d with weighted spectrum of E^-2.0, using spice_bfr-v2 ClSim. Angular range of 0deg < theta < 89.99deg and energy range of 1e6GeV < Eprim < 1e10GeV. DOM oversize = 1 | processing |
22992 | HE IC86.2023 (including 2023 PFFilt) CORSIKA-in-ice 5-component model Sibyll2.3d with weighted spectrum of E^-2.0, using spice_ftp-v3 ClSim. Angular range of 0deg < theta < 89.99deg and energy range of 1e7GeV < Eprim < 1e10GeV. DOM oversize = 3 | processing |
22993 | IC86.2023 CORSIKA-in-ice 5-component model Sibyll2.3d with weighted spectrum of E^-2.0, using Spice ftp-v3, HoleIce p0=0.2, p1=-0.05 ClSim. Angular range of 0deg < theta < 89.99deg and energy range of 600GeV < Eprim < 1e8GeV. DOM oversize = 1 (Same as 22803. Small sample with Saved I3MCPE info) | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
22335 | IT Protons SIBYLL2.3d CORSIKA 7.7420 production at KIT For the Gamma set, in all energy bins there are 1000 showers, i.e. 40000 showers in total. For the main hadronic sets (p, He, O, Fe), I made 3000 showers for the first 10 bins (4.0-4.9), 2500 in the next 5 bins (5.0-5.4), 2000 in the next 5 (5.5-5.9), 1500 in the next 5 (6.0-6.4) and 1000 showers in the remaining 15 bins (6.5-7.9), i.e. 75000 showers per primary in total. For the silicon set, numbers are scaled by 1/5, i.e. (600, 500, 400, 300, 200) in the respective bin ranges, therefore 15000 silicon showers in total.", | suspended |
22336 | IT Helium SIBYLL2.3d CORSIKA 7.7420 production at KIT For the Gamma set, in all energy bins there are 1000 showers, i.e. 40000 showers in total. For the main hadronic sets (p, He, O, Fe), I made 3000 showers for the first 10 bins (4.0-4.9), 2500 in the next 5 bins (5.0-5.4), 2000 in the next 5 (5.5-5.9), 1500 in the next 5 (6.0-6.4) and 1000 showers in the remaining 15 bins (6.5-7.9), i.e. 75000 showers per primary in total. For the silicon set, numbers are scaled by 1/5, i.e. (600, 500, 400, 300, 200) in the respective bin ranges, therefore 15000 silicon showers in total. | suspended |
22337 | IT Oxygen SIBYLL2.3d CORSIKA 7.7420 production at KIT For the Gamma set, in all energy bins there are 1000 showers, i.e. 40000 showers in total. For the main hadronic sets (p, He, O, Fe), I made 3000 showers for the first 10 bins (4.0-4.9), 2500 in the next 5 bins (5.0-5.4), 2000 in the next 5 (5.5-5.9), 1500 in the next 5 (6.0-6.4) and 1000 showers in the remaining 15 bins (6.5-7.9), i.e. 75000 showers per primary in total. For the silicon set, numbers are scaled by 1/5, i.e. (600, 500, 400, 300, 200) in the respective bin ranges, therefore 15000 silicon showers in total. | suspended |
22338 | IT Iron SIBYLL2.3d CORSIKA 7.7420 production at KIT For the Gamma set, in all energy bins there are 1000 showers, i.e. 40000 showers in total. For the main hadronic sets (p, He, O, Fe), I made 3000 showers for the first 10 bins (4.0-4.9), 2500 in the next 5 bins (5.0-5.4), 2000 in the next 5 (5.5-5.9), 1500 in the next 5 (6.0-6.4) and 1000 showers in the remaining 15 bins (6.5-7.9), i.e. 75000 showers per primary in total. For the silicon set, numbers are scaled by 1/5, i.e. (600, 500, 400, 300, 200) in the respective bin ranges, therefore 15000 silicon showers in total. | suspended |
22339 | IT Silicon SIBYLL2.3d CORSIKA 7.7420 production at KIT For the Gamma set, in all energy bins there are 1000 showers, i.e. 40000 showers in total. For the main hadronic sets (p, He, O, Fe), I made 3000 showers for the first 10 bins (4.0-4.9), 2500 in the next 5 bins (5.0-5.4), 2000 in the next 5 (5.5-5.9), 1500 in the next 5 (6.0-6.4) and 1000 showers in the remaining 15 bins (6.5-7.9), i.e. 75000 showers per primary in total. For the silicon set, numbers are scaled by 1/5, i.e. (600, 500, 400, 300, 200) in the respective bin ranges, therefore 15000 silicon showers in total. | suspended |
22570 | IceTop+InIce MC; Geant4-10.5.1, GCD: Run131694.T00S1.Pass2_V1b_Snow181104; Input set: 22335, proton 10^5 GeV-10^7.9 GeV; using spice_ftp-v3 ClSim, IceTray v1.8.2 | processing |
22579 | IceTop+InIce MC; Geant4-10.5.1, GCD: Run131694.T00S1.Pass2_V1b_Snow181104; Input set: 22336, He 10^4 GeV-10^4.9 GeV; using spice_ftp-v3 ClSim, IceTray v1.8.2 | processing |
22580 | IceTop+InIce MC; Geant4-10.5.1, GCD: Run131694.T00S1.Pass2_V1b_Snow181104; Input set: 22336, He 10^5 GeV-10^7.9 GeV; using spice_ftp-v3 ClSim, IceTray v1.8.2 | processing |
22585 | IceTop+InIce MC; Geant4-10.5.1, GCD: Run131694.T00S1.Pass2_V1b_Snow181104; Input set: 22338, Fe 10^4 GeV-10^4.9 GeV; using spice_ftp-v3 ClSim, IceTray v1.8.2 | processing |
22586 | IceTop+InIce MC; Geant4-10.5.1, GCD: Run131694.T00S1.Pass2_V1b_Snow181104; Input set: 22338, Fe 10^5 GeV-10^7.9 GeV; using spice_ftp-v3 ClSim, IceTray v1.8.2 | processing |
22594 | IceTop+InIce MC; Geant4-10.5.1, GCD: Run131694.T00S1.Pass2_V1b_Snow181104; Input set: 22339, Si 10^4 GeV-10^4.9 GeV; using spice_ftp-v3 ClSim, IceTray v1.8.2 | processing |
22596 | IceTop+InIce MC; Geant4-10.5.1, GCD: Run131694.T00S1.Pass2_V1b_Snow181104; Input set: 22339, Si 10^5 GeV-10^7.9 GeV; using spice_ftp-v3 ClSim, IceTray v1.8.2 | processing |
22581 | IceTop+InIce MC; Geant4-10.5.1, GCD: Run131694.T00S1.Pass2_V1b_Snow181104; Input set: 22337, O 10^4 GeV-10^4.9 GeV; using spice_ftp-v3 ClSim, IceTray v1.8.2 | processing |
22583 | IceTop+InIce MC; Geant4-10.5.1, GCD: Run131694.T00S1.Pass2_V1b_Snow181104; Input set: 22337, O 10^5 GeV-10^7.9 GeV; using spice_ftp-v3 ClSim, IceTray v1.8.2 | processing |
22891 | IceTop+InIce MC; Geant4-10.5.1, GCD: Run131694.T00S1.Pass2_V1b_Snow181104; Input set: 22338, Fe 10^7.6 GeV; using spice_ftp-v3 ClSim, IceTray v1.8.2 - re-running showers iteratively with 10 samples | processing |
22888 | IceTop+InIce MC; Geant4-10.5.1, GCD: Run131694.T00S1.Pass2_V1b_Snow181104; Input set: 22338, Fe 10^7.5 GeV; using spice_ftp-v3 ClSim, IceTray v1.8.2 - re-running showers iteratively with 10 samples | errors |
22892 | IceTop+InIce MC; Geant4-10.5.1, GCD: Run131694.T00S1.Pass2_V1b_Snow181104; Input set: 22338, Fe 10^7.7 GeV; using spice_ftp-v3 ClSim, IceTray v1.8.2 - re-running showers iteratively with 10 samples | suspended |
22893 | IceTop+InIce MC; Geant4-10.5.1, GCD: Run131694.T00S1.Pass2_V1b_Snow181104; Input set: 22338, Fe 10^7.8 GeV; using spice_ftp-v3 ClSim, IceTray v1.8.2 - re-running showers iteratively with 10 samples | processing |
22894 | IceTop+InIce MC; Geant4-10.5.1, GCD: Run131694.T00S1.Pass2_V1b_Snow181104; Input set: 22338, Fe 10^7.9 GeV; using spice_ftp-v3 ClSim, IceTray v1.8.2 - re-running showers iteratively with 10 samples | processing |
23003 | IceTop+InIce MC; Geant4-10.5.1, GCD: Run131694.T00S1.Pass2_V1b_Snow181104; Input set: 22339, Si 10^7.9 GeV; using spice_ftp-v3 ClSim, IceTray v1.8.2 - re-running showers iteratively with 10 samples | processing |
22923 | IceTop+InIce MC; Geant4-10.5.1, GCD: Run131694.T00S1.Pass2_V1b_Snow181104; Input set: 22336, He 10^7.6 GeV; using spice_ftp-v3 ClSim, IceTray v1.8.2 - re-running showers iteratively with 10 samples | processing |
22922 | IceTop+InIce MC; Geant4-10.5.1, GCD: Run131694.T00S1.Pass2_V1b_Snow181104; Input set: 22336, He 10^7.5 GeV; using spice_ftp-v3 ClSim, IceTray v1.8.2 - re-running showers iteratively with 10 samples | processing |
22921 | IceTop+InIce MC; Geant4-10.5.1, GCD: Run131694.T00S1.Pass2_V1b_Snow181104; Input set: 22335, proton 10^7.9 GeV; using spice_ftp-v3 ClSim, IceTray v1.8.2 - re-running showers iteratively with 10 samples | processing |
22920 | IceTop+InIce MC; Geant4-10.5.1, GCD: Run131694.T00S1.Pass2_V1b_Snow181104; Input set: 22335, proton 10^7.8 GeV; using spice_ftp-v3 ClSim, IceTray v1.8.2 - re-running showers iteratively with 10 samples | processing |
22919 | IceTop+InIce MC; Geant4-10.5.1, GCD: Run131694.T00S1.Pass2_V1b_Snow181104; Input set: 22335, proton 10^7.7 GeV; using spice_ftp-v3 ClSim, IceTray v1.8.2 - re-running showers iteratively with 10 samples | processing |
22900 | IceTop+InIce MC; Geant4-10.5.1, GCD: Run131694.T00S1.Pass2_V1b_Snow181104; Input set: 22335, proton 10^7.6 GeV; using spice_ftp-v3 ClSim, IceTray v1.8.2 - re-running showers iteratively with 10 samples | errors |
22899 | IceTop+InIce MC; Geant4-10.5.1, GCD: Run131694.T00S1.Pass2_V1b_Snow181104; Input set: 22335, proton 10^7.5 GeV; using spice_ftp-v3 ClSim, IceTray v1.8.2 - re-running showers iteratively with 10 samples | complete |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
22795 | L2 IC86.2020 and PFRaw IC86.2023 MuonGun with weighted spectrum of E^-3 from 160-10000 GeV using spice_ftp_v3 with p0=0.23, p1=-0.062 | suspended |
22827 | L2 GENIE NuMuBar with weighted spectrum of E^-2, Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 0.1 GeV < Enu < 100 GeV. | errors |
22826 | L2 GENIE NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-2, Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 0.1 GeV < Enu < 100 GeV. | errors |
22851 | Test: L2 DeepCore-only GENIE NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-3, Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 0.1 GeV < Enu < 100 GeV. | suspended |
22862 | L2 DeepCore-only GENIE NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-3, Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 0.1 GeV < Enu < 100 GeV using ftp-v3 and the recommended p0=0.2, p1=-0.05. | suspended |
22867 | L2 DeepCore-only GENIE NuMuBar with weighted spectrum of E^-3, Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 0.1 GeV < Enu < 100 GeV. | errors |
22868 | L2 DeepCore-only GENIE NuE with weighted spectrum of E^-3, Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 0.1 GeV < Enu < 100 GeV. | errors |
22869 | L2 DeepCore-only GENIE NuEBar with weighted spectrum of E^-3, Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 0.1 GeV < Enu < 100 GeV. | suspended |
22870 | L2 DeepCore-only GENIE NuTauBar with weighted spectrum of E^-3, Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 0.1 GeV < Enu < 100 GeV. | suspended |
22871 | L2 DeepCore-only GENIE NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-3, Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 0.1 GeV < Enu < 100 GeV. | suspended |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
22612 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.1 (up to Level2): NuGen NuE, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, DOM oversizing 3 | suspended |
22613 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.1 (up to Level2): NuGen NuE, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5 | errors |
22614 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.1 (up to Level2): NuGen NuE, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5 | errors |
22635 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.2 (up to Level2): NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, DOM oversizing 3 | errors |
22634 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.2 (up to Level2): NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5 | complete |
22633 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.1 (up to Level2): NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5 | complete |
22646 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.2 (up to Level2): NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5 | errors |
22645 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.2 (up to Level2): NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5 | complete |
22644 | spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.9.2 (up to Level2): NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, DOM oversizing 3 | complete |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
22803 | IC86.2023 CORSIKA-in-ice 5-component model Sibyll2.3d with weighted spectrum of E^-2.0, using Spice ftp-v3, HoleIce p0=0.2, p1=-0.05 ClSim. Angular range of 0deg < theta < 89.99deg and energy range of 600GeV < Eprim < 1e8GeV. DOM oversize = 1 | processing |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
22746 | Generation level CORSIKA (SIBYL 2.3d) ecuts1,2 = 100. No zenith-dependent energy cut. | errors |
22829 | IC86.2023 CORSIKA-in-ice 5-component model Sibyll2.3d with weighted spectrum of E^-2.0, reduced muon energy threshold, using Spice ftp-v3, HoleIce p0=0.2, p1=-0.05 ClSim. Angular range of 0deg < theta < 89.99deg and energy range of 1e6GeV < Eprim < 1e10GeV. DOM oversize = 1 | processing |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
22523 | MuonL3 + Finallevel diffuse numu without BDT-cut of CORSIKA dataset 20848 | suspended |
22524 | MuonL3 + Finallevel diffuse numu without BDT-cut of CORSIKA dataset 20881 | suspended |
22539 | MuonL3 + Finallevel diffuse numu without BDT-cut of CORSIKA dataset 20788 | suspended |
22541 | MuonL3 + Finallevel diffuse numu without BDT-cut of CORSIKA dataset 20783 | errors |
22542 | MuonL3 + Finallevel diffuse numu without BDT-cut of CORSIKA dataset 20782 | suspended |
22543 | MuonL3 + Finallevel diffuse numu without BDT-cut of CORSIKA dataset 20781 | suspended |
22544 | MuonL3 + Finallevel diffuse numu without BDT-cut of CORSIKA dataset 20780 | suspended |
22545 | MuonL3 + Finallevel diffuse numu without BDT-cut of CORSIKA dataset 20779 | suspended |
22546 | MuonL3 + Finallevel diffuse numu without BDT-cut of CORSIKA dataset 20778 | errors |
22547 | MuonL3 + Finallevel diffuse numu without BDT-cut of CORSIKA dataset 20777 | suspended |
22674 | MuonL3 + Finallevel diffuse numu without BDT-cut of CORSIKA dataset 21571 | suspended |
22676 | MuonL3 + Finallevel diffuse numu without BDT-cut of CORSIKA dataset 20904 | suspended |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
22793 | HE IC86.2023 (including 2023 PFFilt) CORSIKA-in-ice 5-component model Sibyll2.3d with weighted spectrum of E^-2.0, using spice_bfr-v2 ClSim. Angular range of 0deg < theta < 89.99deg and energy range of 1e6GeV < Eprim < 1e10GeV. DOM oversize = 1 | processing |
22992 | HE IC86.2023 (including 2023 PFFilt) CORSIKA-in-ice 5-component model Sibyll2.3d with weighted spectrum of E^-2.0, using spice_ftp-v3 ClSim. Angular range of 0deg < theta < 89.99deg and energy range of 1e7GeV < Eprim < 1e10GeV. DOM oversize = 3 | processing |
22993 | IC86.2023 CORSIKA-in-ice 5-component model Sibyll2.3d with weighted spectrum of E^-2.0, using Spice ftp-v3, HoleIce p0=0.2, p1=-0.05 ClSim. Angular range of 0deg < theta < 89.99deg and energy range of 600GeV < Eprim < 1e8GeV. DOM oversize = 1 (Same as 22803. Small sample with Saved I3MCPE info) | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
21847 | IC86.2020 Pass2 simulation with SIBYLL 2.3c CORSIKA produced, using spice_bfr-dv1_complete ClSim w DOM = 1, and eff=1.3 passed to detectorsim then through L2 Filtering | processing |
21992 | HE IC86.2020 CORSIKA-in-ice 5-component model Sibyll2.3 with weighted spectrum of E^-2.0, using Spice3.2 ClSim. Angular range of 0deg < theta < 89.99deg and energy range of 1e6GeV < Eprim < 1e10GeV. DOM oversize = 5 | errors |
22253 | NRP-MGHPCC: ME IC86.2020 Triggered CORSIKA-in-ice 5-component model Sibyll2.3c (CORSIKA 77401) with weighted spectrum of E^-2.6, using BFRv2 ClSim. Angular range of 0deg < theta < 89.99deg and energy range of 3e4GeV < Eprim < 1e6GeV. DOM oversize = 1 | errors |
22254 | NRP-NB: ME IC86.2020 Triggered CORSIKA-in-ice 5-component model Sibyll2.3c (CORSIKA 77401) with weighted spectrum of E^-2.6, using BFRv2 ClSim. Angular range of 0deg < theta < 89.99deg and energy range of 3e4GeV < Eprim < 1e6GeV. DOM oversize = 1 | errors |
22269 | NRP-SDSC: ME IC86.2020 Triggered CORSIKA-in-ice 5-component model Sibyll2.3c (CORSIKA 77401) with weighted spectrum of E^-2.6, using BFRv2 ClSim. Angular range of 0deg < theta < 89.99deg and energy range of 3e4GeV < Eprim < 1e6GeV. DOM oversize = 1 | errors |
22597 | Benchmark: CORSIKA 800m radius, 1400m height | complete |
22786 | IC86.2023 CORSIKA-in-ice 5-component model Sibyll2.3d with weighted spectrum of E^-2.0, using Spice ftp-v3, HoleIce p0=0.2, p1=-0.05 ClSim. Angular range of 0deg < theta < 89.99deg and energy range of 600GeV < Eprim < 1e8GeV. DOM oversize = 1 | suspended |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
22184 | ML Classifier IC86.2020 neutrino-generator NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-1.5, using spice_bfr-v2 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
22437 | Diffuse Dataset - LeptonInjector 1e2 - 1e4 Nue CC+NC Gamma = -1.5 FPT_v1 ice model | errors |
21032 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2016 neutrino-generator NuE with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | suspended |
21033 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2016 neutrino-generator NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | suspended |
21050 | IC86.2016 neutrino-generator NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-1, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. DOM-Oversizing=3. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 5e5 GeV < Enu < 5e8 GeV. | suspended |
20194 | IC86.2012 Icetop simulations based on dataset 20135. Using HybridCLSim and SpiceMie. | errors |
20195 | IC86.2012 Icetop simulations based on dataset 20137. Using HybridCLSim and SpiceMie. | errors |
20196 | IC86.2012 Icetop simulations based on dataset 20138. Using HybridCLSim and SpiceMie. | errors |
20197 | IC86.2012 Icetop simulations based on dataset 20139. Using HybridCLSim and SpiceMie. | errors |
20904 | SC Demo Input: IC86.2016 CORSIKA-in-ice 5-component model Sibyll2.3c (CORSIKA 76900g) with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using Spice3.2 ClSim. Angular range of 0deg < theta < 89.99deg and energy range of 600GeV < Eprim < 1e8GeV | suspended |
21962 | UHE IC86.2020 CORSIKA (76900g) simulation with weighted spectrum E^-1.5, using Spice3.2.1 hybrid photonics/clsim. Angular range of 0deg < theta < 89.99deg and energy range of 1e9GeV < Eprim < 1e11GeV | errors |
22187 | HE IC86.2020 CORSIKA (76900g) simulation with weighted spectrum E^-2, using Spice3.2.1 hybrid photonics/clsim. Angular range of 0deg < theta < 89.99deg and energy range of 2e8GeV < Eprim < 2e10GeV | errors |
22358 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2016 MuonGun with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Energy range of 1e4 GeV < Emu < 1e6 GeV. | complete |
22359 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2016 MuonGun with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Energy range of 1e4 GeV < Emu < 1e6 GeV. Zenith weighted to GaisserH4a_atmod12_DPMJET-C. | errors |
22569 | IceTop+InIce MC; Geant4-10.5.1, GCD: Run131694.T00S1.Pass2_V1b_Snow181104; Input set: 22335, proton 10^4 GeV-10^4.9 GeV; using spice_ftp-v3 ClSim, IceTray v1.8.2 | processing |
20133 | 1st test from Frank - He Sibyll 2.3 | suspended |
20176 | IC86.2013 Icetop simulations based on dataset 10410. Using HybridCLSim and SpiceMie. | errors |
20181 | IC86.2014 Icetop simulations based on dataset 10410. Using HybridCLSim and SpiceMie. | errors |
20182 | IC86.2014 Icetop simulations based on dataset 11663. Using HybridCLSim and SpiceMie. | suspended |
20183 | IC86.2014 Icetop simulations based on dataset 12605. Using HybridCLSim and SpiceMie. | suspended |
20184 | IC86.2014 Icetop simulations based on dataset 10889. Using HybridCLSim and SpiceMie. | suspended |
20187 | IC86.2013 Icetop simulations based on dataset 11663. Using HybridCLSim and SpiceMie. | suspended |
20188 | IC86.2013 Icetop simulations based on dataset 12605. Using HybridCLSim and SpiceMie. | errors |
20189 | IC86.2013 Icetop simulations based on dataset 10889. Using HybridCLSim and SpiceMie. | errors |
20200 | IC86.2011 Icetop simulations based on dataset 10410. Using HybridCLSim and SpiceMie. | errors |
20201 | IC86.2011 Icetop simulations based on dataset 11663. Using HybridCLSim and SpiceMie. | errors |
20202 | IC86.2011 Icetop simulations based on dataset 12605. Using HybridCLSim and SpiceMie. | errors |
20203 | IC86.2011 Icetop simulations based on dataset 10889. Using HybridCLSim and SpiceMie. | errors |
20216 | IC86.2012 Icetop simulations based on dataset 20160. Using HybridCLSim and SpiceMie. | errors |
21897 | Level 2 (pass2) IC79 neutrino-generator NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-1.5, using spice_bfr-dv1_complete CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
22536 | L2 GENIE NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-2, Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of .5 GeV < Enu < 5 GeV. | suspended |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
22552 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2023 MuonGun with weighted spectrum of E^-4.5, using spice_ftp-v2 CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=-0.27 p1=-0.042 with domeff=1.0. Energy range of 5e3 GeV < Emu < 1e4 GeV. | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
22431 | Diffuse Dataset - LeptonInjector 1e4 - 1e6 Numu CC+NC Gamma = -1.5 FPT_v1 ice model | errors |
22432 | Diffuse Dataset - LeptonInjector 1e6 - 1e8 Numu CC+NC Gamma = -1.0 FPT_v1 ice model, Oversize = 3 | errors |
22448 | Diffuse Dataset - LeptonInjector 1e4 - 1e6 Nue CC+NC Gamma = -1.5 FPT_v1 ice model | errors |
22456 | Diffuse Dataset - LeptonInjector 1e6 - 1e8 Nue CC+NC Gamma = -1.5 FPT_v1 ice model | errors |
22457 | Diffuse Dataset - LeptonInjector 1e2 - 1e4 Nutau CC+NC Gamma = -1.5 FPT_v1 ice model | errors |
22458 | Diffuse Dataset - LeptonInjector 1e4 - 1e6 Nutau CC+NC Gamma = -1.5 FPT_v1 ice mode | errors |
22459 | Diffuse Dataset - LeptonInjector 1e6 - 1e8 Nutau CC+NC Gamma = -1.0 FPT_v1 ice mode | errors |
22472 | MAKE-UP NC for 22430: Diffuse Dataset - LeptonInjector 1e2 - 1e4 Numu Gamma = -1.5 FPT_v1 ice model | errors |
22478 | MAKE-UP NC for 22431: Diffuse Dataset - LeptonInjector 1e4 - 1e6 Numu Gamma = -1.5 FPT_v1 ice model | errors |
22479 | MAKE-UP NC for 22432: Diffuse Dataset - LeptonInjector 1e6 - 1e8 Numu Gamma = -1 FPT_v1 ice model | errors |
22481 | MAKE-UP NC for 22448: Diffuse Dataset - LeptonInjector 1e4 - 1e6 Nue Gamma = -1.5 FPT_v1 ice model | errors |
22482 | MAKE-UP NC for 22456: Diffuse Dataset - LeptonInjector 1e6 - 1e8 Nue Gamma = -1 FPT_v1 ice model | errors |
22483 | MAKE-UP NC for 22457: Diffuse Dataset - LeptonInjector 1e2 - 1e4 Nutau Gamma = -1.5 FPT_v1 ice model | errors |
22484 | MAKE-UP NC for 22458: Diffuse Dataset - LeptonInjector 1e4 - 1e6 Nutau Gamma = -1.5 FPT_v1 ice model | processing |
22485 | MAKE-UP NC for 22459: Diffuse Dataset - LeptonInjector 1e6 - 1e8 Nutau Gamma = -1 FPT_v1 ice model | errors |
22492 | Diffuse Dataset - BASELINE Snowstorm LeptonInjector 1e2 - 1e4 Numu CC+NC Gamma = -1.5 FPT_v1 ice model | errors |
22493 | Diffuse Dataset - BASELINE Snowstorm LeptonInjector 1e4 - 1e6 Numu CC+NC Gamma = -1.5 FPT_v1 ice model | errors |
22494 | Diffuse Dataset - BASELINE Snowstorm LeptonInjector 1e6 - 1e8 Numu CC+NC Gamma = -1.0 FPT_v1 ice model, Oversize = 3 | errors |
22495 | Diffuse Dataset - BASELINE Snowstorm - LeptonInjector 1e2 - 1e4 Nue CC+NC Gamma = -1.5 FPT_v1 ice model | errors |
22496 | Diffuse Dataset - BASELINE Snowstorm - LeptonInjector 1e4 - 1e6 Nue CC+NC Gamma = -1.5 FPT_v1 ice model | errors |
22497 | Diffuse Dataset - BASELINE Snowstorm - LeptonInjector 1e6 - 1e8 Nue CC+NC Gamma = -1.0 FPT_v1 ice model | errors |
22498 | Diffuse Dataset - BASELINE Snowstorm - LeptonInjector 1e2 - 1e4 Nutau CC+NC Gamma = -1.5 FPT_v1 ice model | errors |
22499 | Diffuse Dataset - BASELINE Snowstorm - LeptonInjector 1e4 - 1e6 Nutau CC+NC Gamma = -1.5 FPT_v1 ice model | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
22257 | Recreate propagated MCTrees for 20904 | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
22328 | Triggered-CORSIKA w spice_bfr-v2, icetray 1.5.1 1e+04 Gev - 1e+07 GeV | processing |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
22311 | Nominal Ice Snowstorm MC (SpiceBFRv2) using icetray.v1.5.1 (up to Level2): NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5 | errors |
22312 | Nominal Ice Snowstorm MC (SpiceBFRv2) using icetray.v1.5.1 (up to Level2): NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5 | complete |
22313 | Nominal Ice Snowstorm MC (SpiceBFRv2) using icetray.v1.5.1 (up to Level2): NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, DOM oversizing 3 | errors |
22314 | Nominal Ice Snowstorm MC (SpiceBFRv2) using icetray.v1.5.1 (up to Level2): NuGen NuE, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5 | errors |
22315 | Nominal Ice Snowstorm MC (SpiceBFRv2) using icetray.v1.5.1 (up to Level2): NuGen NuE, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5 | complete |
22316 | Nominal Ice Snowstorm MC (SpiceBFRv2) using icetray.v1.5.1 (up to Level2): NuGen NuE, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, DOM oversizing 3 | errors |
22317 | Nominal Ice Snowstorm MC (SpiceBFRv2) using icetray.v1.5.1 (up to Level2): NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5 | errors |
22318 | Nominal Ice Snowstorm MC (SpiceBFRv2) using icetray.v1.5.1 (up to Level2): NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5 | errors |
22319 | Nominal Ice Snowstorm MC (SpiceBFRv2) using icetray.v1.5.1 (up to Level2): NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, DOM oversizing 3 | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
22212 | Snowstorm MC: testing BFRv2 using icetray.v1.4.1: NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5, nominal ice (no perturbations) | errors |
22213 | Snowstorm MC: testing BFRv2 using icetray.v1.4.1: NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5, nominal ice (no perturbations) | errors |
22214 | Snowstorm MC: testing BFRv2 using icetray.v1.4.1: NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, nominal ice (no perturbations) | complete |
22215 | Snowstorm MC: testing BFRv2 using icetray.v1.4.1: NuGen NuE, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5, nominal ice (no perturbations) | complete |
22216 | Snowstorm MC: testing BFRv2 using icetray.v1.4.1: NuGen NuE, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5, nominal ice (no perturbations) | complete |
22217 | Snowstorm MC: testing BFRv2 using icetray.v1.4.1: NuGen NuE, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, nominal ice (no perturbations) | complete |
22218 | Snowstorm MC: testing BFRv2 using icetray.v1.4.1: NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5, nominal ice (no perturbations) | complete |
22219 | Snowstorm MC: testing BFRv2 using icetray.v1.4.1: NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5, nominal ice (no perturbations) | complete |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
22563 | L2 GENIE NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-2, Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of .5 GeV < Enu < 5 GeV. (no polyplopia) | errors |
22582 | L2 GENIE NuE with weighted spectrum of E^-2, Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of .5 GeV < Enu < 5 GeV. | errors |
22599 | L2 GENIE NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-2, Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of .5 GeV < Enu < 5 GeV. | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
22078 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC extending 22042: icetray.v1.3.3, NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5, nominal ice | errors |
22079 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC extending 22043: icetray.v1.3.3, NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5, nominal ice | errors |
22081 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC extending 22045: icetray.v1.3.3, NuGen NuE, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5, nominal ice | errors |
22082 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC extending 22046: icetray.v1.3.3, NuGen NuE, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5, nominal ice | complete |
22083 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC extending 22047: icetray.v1.3.3, NuGen NuE, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, nominal ice | errors |
22084 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC extending 22048: icetray.v1.3.3, NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5, nominal ice | errors |
22085 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC extending 22049: icetray.v1.3.3, NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5, nominal ice | complete |
22086 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC extending 22050: icetray.v1.3.3, NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, nominal ice | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
22011 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.3.3: NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5 | complete |
22012 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.3.3: NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0 | errors |
22013 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.3.3: NuGen NuE, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5 | errors |
22014 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.3.3: NuGen NuE, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5 | complete |
22015 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.3.3: NuGen NuE, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0 | errors |
22016 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.3.3: NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5 | errors |
22017 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.3.3: NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5 | errors |
22018 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.3.3: NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0 | errors |
22032 | Gen2 NuE simulation with gamma=1.5 till BaseProc for energy range 100TeV-1PeV (250k events,isoPDOM, DOMOverSize=4) | complete |
22033 | Gen2 NuE simulation with gamma=1.5 till BaseProc for energy range 1-10PeV (250k events,isoPDOM, DOMOverSize=4) | errors |
22034 | Gen2 NuE simulation with gamma=1.5 till BaseProc for energy range 10-50PeV (250k events,isoPDOM, DOMOverSize=4) | errors |
22036 | Gen2 NuMu simulation with gamma=1.5 till BaseProc for energy range 100TeV-1PeV (250k events,isoPDOM, DOMOverSize=4) | complete |
22037 | Gen2 NuMu simulation with gamma=1.5 till BaseProc for energy range 1-10PeV (250k events,isoPDOM, DOMOverSize=4) | complete |
22038 | Gen2 NuMu simulation with gamma=1.5 till BaseProc for energy range 10-50PeV (250k events,isoPDOM, DOMOverSize=4) | errors |
22039 | Gen2 NuTau simulation with gamma=1.5 till BaseProc for energy range 100TeV-1PeV (250k events,isoPDOM, DOMOverSize=4) | complete |
22041 | Gen2 NuTau simulation with gamma=1.5 till BaseProc for energy range 10-50PeV (250k events,isoPDOM, DOMOverSize=4) | errors |
22042 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.3.3: NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5, nominal ice | errors |
22043 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.3.3: NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5, nominal ice | complete |
22044 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.3.3: NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, nominal ice | complete |
22045 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.3.3: NuGen NuE, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5, nominal ice | complete |
22046 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.3.3: NuGen NuE, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5, nominal ice | complete |
22047 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.3.3: NuGen NuE, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, nominal ice | errors |
22048 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.3.3: NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5, nominal ice | complete |
22049 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.3.3: NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5, nominal ice | complete |
22051 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.3.3: NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5, off-baseline systematics: ice_abs: 0.97 ice_scat: 1.03 ice_holep0: -0.25 dom_eff: 1.00 | errors |
22052 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.3.3: NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5, off-baseline systematics: ice_abs: 0.97 ice_scat: 1.03 ice_holep0: -0.25 dom_eff: 1.00 | complete |
22053 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.3.3: NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.5, off-baseline systematics: ice_abs: 0.97 ice_scat: 1.03 ice_holep0: -0.25 dom_eff: 1.00 | errors |
22054 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.3.3: NuGen NuE, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5, off-baseline systematics: ice_abs: 0.97 ice_scat: 1.03 ice_holep0: -0.25 dom_eff: 1.00 | complete |
22055 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.3.3: NuGen NuE, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5, off-baseline systematics: ice_abs: 0.97 ice_scat: 1.03 ice_holep0: -0.25 dom_eff: 1.00 | complete |
22056 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.3.3: NuGen NuE, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, off-baseline systematics: ice_abs: 0.97 ice_scat: 1.03 ice_holep0: -0.25 dom_eff: 1.00 | errors |
22057 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.3.3: NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5, off-baseline systematics: ice_abs: 0.97 ice_scat: 1.03 ice_holep0: -0.25 dom_eff: 1.00 | errors |
22058 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.3.3: NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5, off-baseline systematics: ice_abs: 0.97 ice_scat: 1.03 ice_holep0: -0.25 dom_eff: 1.00 | complete |
22059 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using icetray.v1.3.3: NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, off-baseline systematics: ice_abs: 0.97 ice_scat: 1.03 ice_holep0: -0.25 dom_eff: 1.00 | complete |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
21889 | ME IC86.2016 Triggered CORSIKA-in-ice 5-component model Sibyll2.3c (CORSIKA 77401) with weighted spectrum of E^-2.6, using Spice3.2 ClSim. Angular range of 0deg < theta < 89.99deg and energy range of 3e4GeV < Eprim < 1e6GeV. DOM oversize = 5 | errors |
22121 | ME IC86.2020 Triggered CORSIKA-in-ice 5-component model Sibyll2.3c (CORSIKA 77401) with weighted spectrum of E^-2.6, using Spice3.2 ClSim. Angular range of 0deg < theta < 89.99deg and energy range of 3e4GeV < Eprim < 1e6GeV. DOM oversize = 5 | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
21901 | Gen2 mDOM muongun sim, gamma=1.4, 3 TeV-100 PeV, 50 events x 20k files | errors |
21921 | Gen2 mDOM muongun sim, gamma=1.4, 1-3 TeV, 100 events x 1000 files | suspended |
21922 | Gen2 mDOM muongun sim, gamma=1.4, 300 GeV-3 TeV, 100 events x 1000 files | complete |
21941 | Gen2 mDOM muongun sim, gamma=1.4, 3 TeV-100 PeV, 50 events x 20k files, second run | errors |
21942 | Gen2 mDOM muongun sim, gamma=1.4, 300 GeV-3 TeV, 100 events x 1000 files | complete |
21945 | Gen2 mDOM muongun sim, gamma=1.4, 300-10000 GeV, 200 events x 1000 files | complete |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
20778 | HE IC86.2016 CORSIKA-in-ice 5-component model Sibyll2.3 with weighted spectrum of E^-2.0, using Spice3.2 ClSim. Angular range of 0deg < theta < 89.99deg and energy range of 1e6GeV < Eprim < 1e10GeV. DOM oversize = 5 | errors |
21375 | Reprocessing of detector simulation (AWS Test) with SLC bug fix + L2 filter with DST esctraction for dataset 20904. This dataset replaces 21201 and 21135. | errors |
21971 | Trigger-level IC86.2020 neutrino-generator NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-1.5, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV.", | errors |
21972 | Trigger-level IC86.2020 neutrino-generator NuE with weighted spectrum of E^-1.5, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
21973 | Trigger-level IC86.2020 neutrino-generator NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
22067 | Trigger-level IC86.2020 neutrino-generator NuE with weighted spectrum of E^-1.5, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
22129 | Baseprocessing for dataset 21971 NuGen NuMu | errors |
22164 | NuE ML Classifier: 1e2-1e8GeV, E^-1.5 | errors |
22162 | NuTau ML Classifier 1e2-1e8GeV, E^-1.5 | errors |
22128 | Baseprocessing for dataset 22067 NuGen NuE | errors |
22117 | MLClassifier baseprocessing v5 HE CORSIKA dataset 22020 | errors |
22101 | Baseprocessing v5 for CORSIKA set 20904 | errors |
22088 | newprocessing classifier v2 nutau (dataset 22068) | errors |
22068 | Trigger-level IC86.2020 neutrino-generator NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-1.5, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
22678 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2020 processing of dataset 21971 | suspended |
22680 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2020 processing of dataset 22068 | errors |
22681 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2020 processing of dataset 22067 | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
21902 | Benchmark: 2020 GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using combo/V01-03-00-RC2: NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5, full systematics, no FFT ice. | complete |
21903 | Benchmark: 2020 GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using combo/V01-03-00-RC2: NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5, full systematics, no FFT ice. | complete |
21904 | Benchmark: 2020 GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using combo/V01-03-00-RC2: NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, full systematics, no FFT ice. | complete |
21905 | Benchmark: 2020 GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using combo/V01-03-00-RC2: NuGen NuE, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5, full systematics, no FFT ice. | errors |
21906 | Benchmark: 2020 GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using combo/V01-03-00-RC2: NuGen NuE, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5, full systematics, no FFT ice. | complete |
21907 | Benchmark: 2020 GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using combo/V01-03-00-RC2: NuGen NuE, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, full systematics, no FFT ice. | complete |
21908 | Benchmark: 2020 GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using combo/V01-03-00-RC2: NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5, full systematics, no FFT ice. | errors |
21909 | Benchmark: 2020 GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using combo/V01-03-00-RC2: NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5, full systematics, no FFT ice. | complete |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
21813 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2020 neutrino-generator NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with various scat/abs, various angsens_unified p0,p1 and various domeff. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e4 GeV. | suspended |
21814 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2020 neutrino-generator NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-1.5, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with various scat/abs, various angsens_unified p0,p1 and various domeff. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e4 GeV < Enu < 1e6 GeV. | suspended |
21867 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2020 neutrino-generator NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with various scat/abs, various angsens_unified p0,p1 and various domeff. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e4 GeV. | complete |
21868 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2020 neutrino-generator NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-1.5, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with various scat/abs, various angsens_unified p0,p1 and various domeff. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e4 GeV < Enu < 1e6 GeV. | complete |
21871 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2020 neutrino-generator NuE with weighted spectrum of E^-1.5, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with various scat/abs, various angsens_unified p0,p1 and various domeff. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e4 GeV < Enu < 1e6 GeV. | complete |
21938 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2020 neutrino-generator NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-1, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with various scat/abs, various angsens_unified p0,p1 and various domeff. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e6 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. Dom oversize = 3. | errors |
21939 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2020 neutrino-generator NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-1, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with various scat/abs, various angsens_unified p0,p1 and various domeff. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e6 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. Dom oversize = 3. | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
22001 | IC86.2020 Pass2 re-reprocessing of dataset 21269 with corrected GCD: generated from 1,000,000 showers using SIBYLL 2.3c (CORSIKA 76900g) E^-2.6 5-comp, ClSim w DOM oversize = 1 and eff=1.3 passed to detectorsim then through L2 Filtering. | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
21553 | Level2 IC86.2020 GENIE Muon (anti)neutrinos with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using SpiceLea CLSim. Energy range of 1 GeV < Enu < 200 GeV. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg. 50k events per file. | errors |
21557 | Level2 IC86.2020 GENIE NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using SpiceLea CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1 GeV < Enu < 200 GeV." | errors |
21577 | Level2 IC86.2020 GENIE NuMu (no polyplopia) with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using SpiceLea CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1 GeV < Enu < 200 GeV. | errors |
21585 | Level2 IC86.2020 GENIE NuE with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using SpiceLea CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1 GeV < Enu < 200 GeV. | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
21525 | Reprocessed 2020:GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using combo/V01-00-02: NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5 no FFT ice. | suspended |
21526 | Reprocessed 2020:GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using combo/V01-00-02: NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5 no FFT ice. | suspended |
21527 | Reprocessed 2020:GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using combo/V01-00-02: NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0 no FFT ice. | errors |
21528 | Reprocessed 2020:GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using combo/V01-00-02: NuGen NuE, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5 no FFT ice. | errors |
21529 | Reprocessed 2020:GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using combo/V01-00-02: NuGen NuE, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5 no FFT ice. | errors |
21531 | Reprocessed 2020:GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using combo/V01-00-02: NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5 no FFT ice. | complete |
21532 | Reprocessed 2020:GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using combo/V01-00-02: NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5 no FFT ice. | errors |
21533 | Reprocessed 2020:GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using combo/V01-00-02: NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0 no FFT ice. | suspended |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
21521 | Reprocessing of detector simulation (AWS Test) with SLC bug fix and corrected GCD 2020.Pass2 for dataset 20904. This dataset replaces 21375, 21201, and 21135. | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
21534 | Reprocessed 2020:Ice-Model Benchmark Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2016 MuonGun with weighted spectrum of E^-4.5, using spice_bfr-dv1_complete CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Energy range of 7e2 GeV < Emu < 1e4 GeV. | suspended |
21535 | Ice-Model Benchmark Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2020 neutrino-generator NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-1.5, using spice_bfr-dv1_complete CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | suspended |
21536 | Ice-Model Benchmark Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2020 neutrino-generator NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_bfr-dv1_complete CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | complete |
21537 | Ice-Model Benchmark Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2020 neutrino-generator NuE with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_bfr-dv1_complete CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | complete |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
21579 | Level 2 IC86.2020 GENIE Systematics DOM efficiency: NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1 GeV < Enu < 200 GeV. | errors |
21586 | Level 2 IC86.2020 GENIE Systematics DOM efficiency: NuE with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1 GeV < Enu < 200 GeV | errors |
21587 | Level 2 IC86.2020 GENIE Systematics holeice: NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV.", | errors |
21588 | Level 2 IC86.2020 GENIE Systematics holeice: NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
21589 | Level 2 IC86.2020 GENIE Systematics bulk ice: err_s-.05_a-.05 NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. Input dataset 21379 | errors |
21591 | Level 2 IC86.2020 GENIE Systematics bulk ice: err_s-.05_a-.05 NuE with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. (input 21405) | errors |
21592 | Level 2 IC86.2020 GENIE Systematics holeice: NuE with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. Input 21405 | errors |
21596 | Level 2 IC86.2020 GENIE Systematics bulk ice: err_s+.05_a+.05 NuE with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
21597 | Level 2 IC86.2020 GENIE Systematics bulk ice:err_s-.05_a+.05 NuE with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
21598 | Level 2 IC86.2020 GENIE Systematics bulk ice:err_s+.05_a-.05 NuE with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
21599 | Level 2 IC86.2020 GENIE Systematics bulk ice:err_s+.05_a+.05 NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. (generation dataset 21388) | errors |
21601 | Level 2 IC86.2020 GENIE Systematics bulk ice:err_s+.05_a-.05 NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. (generation dataset 21388) | errors |
21608 | Level 2 IC86.2020 GENIE Systematics bulk ice: err_s.+05_a+.05 NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. Input dataset 21379", | errors |
21614 | Level 2 IC86.2020 GENIE Systematics bulk ice: err_s-.05_a+.05 NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. Input dataset 21379 | errors |
21615 | Level 2 IC86.2020 GENIE Systematics bulk ice: err_s+.05_a-.05 NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. Input dataset 21379 | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
21559 | IC86.2020 Pass2 reprocessing of dataset 21269: generated from 1,000,000 showers using SIBYLL 2.3c (CORSIKA 76900g) E^-2.6 5-comp, ClSim w DOM oversize = 1 and eff=1.3 passed to detectorsim then through L2 Filtering | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
21554 | Testing new GCD: Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2020 neutrino-generator NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | complete |
21555 | Testing new GCD+py3: Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2020 neutrino-generator NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
21571 | Polygonato CORSIKA (v6960-5comp) for Moon Analysis reference | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
21494 | Binned Level 2 (pass2) IC79 neutrino-generator NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-1.5, using spice_bfr-dv1_complete CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
21447 | Ice-Model Benchmark Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2016 MuonGun with weighted spectrum of E^-4.5, using spice_bfr-dv1_complete CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Energy range of 7e2 GeV < Emu < 1e4 GeV. | complete |
21451 | Ice-Model Benchmark Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2016 neutrino-generator NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_bfr-dv1_complete CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | complete |
21452 | Ice-Model Benchmark Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2016 neutrino-generator NuE with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_bfr-dv1_complete CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | complete |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
21379 | Generation+Polyplopia GENIE NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-2, Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1 GeV < Enu < 200 GeV. | errors |
21388 | Generation+Polyplopia GENIE NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-2, Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1 GeV < Enu < 200 GeV. | errors |
21405 | Generation+Polyplopia GENIE NuE with weighted spectrum of E^-2, Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1 GeV < Enu < 200 GeV. | errors |
21439 | Level 2 IC86.2016 GENIE Systematics DOM efficiency: NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
21444 | Level 2 IC86.2016 GENIE Systematics DOM efficiency: NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
21467 | Level 2 IC86.2016 GENIE Systematics DOM efficiency: NuE with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. Input dataset 21405 | errors |
21498 | Level 2 IC86.2016 GENIE Systematics holeice: NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
21499 | Level 2 IC86.2016 GENIE Systematics holeice: NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
21502 | Level 2 IC86.2016 GENIE Systematics bulk ice:err_s-.05_a-.05 NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
21503 | Level 2 IC86.2016 GENIE Systematics bulk ice:err_s-.05_a+.05 NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
21504 | Level 2 IC86.2016 GENIE Systematics bulk ice:err_s+.05_a-.05 NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV." | errors |
21505 | Level 2 IC86.2016 GENIE Systematics bulk ice:err_s+.05_a+.05 NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV." | errors |
21508 | Level 2 IC86.2016 GENIE Systematics bulk ice:err_s-.05_a-.05 NuE with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
21509 | Level 2 IC86.2016 GENIE Systematics bulk ice:err_s+.05_a+.05 NuE with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV." | errors |
21511 | Level 2 IC86.2016 GENIE Systematics bulk ice:err_s+.05_a-.05 NuE with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
21512 | Level 2 IC86.2016 GENIE Systematics bulk ice:err_s+.05_a+.05 NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
21513 | Level 2 IC86.2016 GENIE Systematics bulk ice:err_s-.05_a-.05 NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
21514 | Level 2 IC86.2016 GENIE Systematics bulk ice:err_s+.05_a-.05 NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
21515 | Level 2 IC86.2016 GENIE Systematics bulk ice:err_s-.05_a+.05 NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
21003 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2016 neutrino-generator NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with scat=+0.05,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
21004 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2016 neutrino-generator NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with scat=-0.05,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
21005 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2016 neutrino-generator NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0.05 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
21006 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2016 neutrino-generator NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with scat=+0,abs=-0.05 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
21047 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2016 neutrino-generator NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with various angsens_unified p0,p1 and various domeff. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | errors |
21217 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2016 neutrino-generator NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-1.5, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | suspended |
21218 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2016 neutrino-generator NuE with weighted spectrum of E^-1.5, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | suspended |
21219 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2016 neutrino-generator NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-1.5, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. | suspended |
21221 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2016 neutrino-generator NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-1, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e5 GeV < Enu < 5e8 GeV. Dom Oversizing=3. | complete |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
21135 | Detector+filter of input dataset 20904 (first 50k) | errors |
21201 | Detector+filter of input dataset 20904 (second batch: 950k) | suspended |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
21226 | Re-triggered/re-filtered simulation for dataset 12040 | errors |
21267 | Re-triggered/re-filtered simulation for dataset 12332 | errors |
21561 | Re-triggered/re-filtered simulation for dataset 11943 | errors |
21572 | Re-triggered/re-filtered simulation for dataset 11057 | suspended |
21606 | Re-triggered/re-filtered simulation for dataset 11499 | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
20143 | IC86.2012 Icetop simulations based on dataset 20095. Using HybridCLSim and SpiceMie. | errors |
20144 | IC86.2012 Icetop simulations based on dataset 20096. Using HybridCLSim and SpiceMie. | suspended |
20145 | IC86.2012 Icetop simulations based on dataset 20104. Using HybridCLSim and SpiceMie. | errors |
20146 | IC86.2012 Icetop simulations based on dataset 20105. Using HybridCLSim and SpiceMie. | errors |
20174 | IC86.2015 Icetop simulations based on dataset 10410. Using HybridCLSim and SpiceMie. | suspended |
20178 | IC86.2015 Icetop simulations based on dataset 11663. Using HybridCLSim and SpiceMie. | errors |
20179 | IC86.2015 Icetop simulations based on dataset 12605. Using HybridCLSim and SpiceMie. | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
21315 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2016 MuonGun with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Energy range of 1e5 GeV < Emu < 1e9 GeV. | complete |
21316 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2016 MuonGun with weighted spectrum of E^-5, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Energy range of 1e4 GeV < Emu < 1e5 GeV. | errors |
21317 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2016 MuonGun with weighted spectrum of E^-4.5, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Energy range of 5e3 GeV < Emu < 1e4 GeV. | errors |
21318 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2016 MuonGun with weighted spectrum of E^-4.5, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Energy range of 1e3 GeV < Emu < 5e3 GeV. | errors |
21319 | Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2016 MuonGun with weighted spectrum of E^-4.5, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with scat=+0,abs=+0 with with angsens_unified p0=0.0 p1=0.0 with domeff=1.0. Energy range of 7e2 GeV < Emu < 1e3 GeV. | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
21351 | Level2 IC86.2016 GENIE Tau (anti)neutrinos with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using SpiceLea CLSim.Energy range of 1 GeV < Enu < 200 GeV. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg. | errors |
21352 | Level2 IC86.2016 GENIE Electron (anti)neutrinos with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using SpiceLea CLSim. energy range of 1 GeV < Enu < 200 GeV. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg. | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
21431 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using combo/V01-00-02: NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5 no FFT ice. | complete |
21432 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using combo/V01-00-02: NuGen NuMu, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0 no FFT ice. | complete |
21468 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using combo/V01-00-02: NuGen NuE, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5 no FFT ice. | complete |
21469 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using combo/V01-00-02: NuGen NuE, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5 no FFT ice. | complete |
21471 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using combo/V01-00-02: NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e2 to 1e4 GeV, gamma 1.5 no FFT ice. | complete |
21472 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using combo/V01-00-02: NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e4 to 1e6 GeV, gamma 1.5 no FFT ice. | complete |
21473 | GlobalFit Snowstorm MC using combo/V01-00-02: NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0 no FFT ice. | errors |
Dataset | Description | Status | Progress | |
21269 | IC86.2016 Pass2 simulation of with generated from 1,000,000 showers using SIBYLL 2.3c (CORSIKA 76900g) E^-2.6 5-comp, ClSim w DOM oversize = 1 and eff=1.3 passed to detectorsim then through L2 Filtering | errors |