Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2020 neutrino-generator NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with various scat/abs, various angsens_unified p0,p1 and various domeff. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e4 GeV.
Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2020 neutrino-generator NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-1.5, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with various scat/abs, various angsens_unified p0,p1 and various domeff. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e4 GeV < Enu < 1e6 GeV.
Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2020 neutrino-generator NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-2, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with various scat/abs, various angsens_unified p0,p1 and various domeff. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e2 GeV < Enu < 1e4 GeV.
Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2020 neutrino-generator NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-1.5, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with various scat/abs, various angsens_unified p0,p1 and various domeff. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e4 GeV < Enu < 1e6 GeV.
Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2020 neutrino-generator NuE with weighted spectrum of E^-1.5, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with various scat/abs, various angsens_unified p0,p1 and various domeff. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e4 GeV < Enu < 1e6 GeV.
Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2020 neutrino-generator NuMu with weighted spectrum of E^-1, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with various scat/abs, various angsens_unified p0,p1 and various domeff. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e6 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. Dom oversize = 3.
Level 2 (pass2) IC86.2020 neutrino-generator NuTau with weighted spectrum of E^-1, using spice_3.2.1 CLSim with various scat/abs, various angsens_unified p0,p1 and various domeff. Angular range of 0. deg < theta < 180. deg and energy range of 1e6 GeV < Enu < 1e8 GeV. Dom oversize = 3.