
SimProd Dash

Simulation Request 13D8

13D8 - 1e8 to 1e10 GeV NuGen ftp-v3 Baseline Simulation
Sept. 18, 2024 | Diffuse
In Progress

Dataset Description Status Progress
23016 spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm-Baseline (MSU p1 = 0.35, p2 = 0) using icetray.v1.9.1 (up to Level2 + PFFilt23): NuGen NuE, energy range 1e6 to 1e8 GeV, gamma 1.0, DOM oversizing 3 suspended
23071 spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm-Baseline (MSU p1 = 0.35, p2 = 0) using icetray.v1.9.1 (up to Level2 + PFFilt23): NuGen NuE, energy range 1e8 to 1e10 GeV, gamma 1.5, DOM oversizing 3 processing
23072 spice_ftp-v3 Ice Snowstorm-Baseline (MSU p1 = 0.35, p2 = 0) using icetray.v1.9.1 (up to Level2 + PFFilt23): NuGen NuTau, energy range 1e8 to 1e10 GeV, gamma 1.0, DOM oversizing 3 processing

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